Welcome to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Community Engagement and Outreach map. The map is an interactive system designed to illustrate the powerful stories of UNL’s current and on-going projects and activities centered around outreach, service, and engagement efforts.
This map presents UNL’s Engagement Projects and University Facilities. Use the Filter Options to filter Engagement projects by Research and Creative Activity | Community Service | Teaching and Learning | Unit Type. You may search for specific projects and activities using the Name or Keyword search bar at the top.
View the engagements for a specific geographic area by using the Location Search bar. Type in an address, ZIP Code, city, or county in the search box, then use the drop-down menu to define your search radius. Click enter to view the updated map and engagement list, now filtered by your location settings.
Users can also view the map from a county or legislative district (state or federal) perspective and University Facilities by toggling on and off the legend buttons.
To note: Projects are from the 2018–2019 academic year and forward. The marker on the map may not be the exact location where the project took place. However, the marker is placed in the correct county where the project occurred.
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