Our Goal

Broaden Nebraska’s engagement in community industry, and global partnerships: We are Nebraska. Engagement — the co-creation, co-discovery and co-development of solutions — is key to the land grant mission of the University of Nebraska.  At its core, engagement is about relationships and reciprocity that must be built upon a foundation where every person and interaction matters.

Three individuals standing in front of a colorful "This must be the place" mural in Alliance, Nebraska. Sandra Williams' outreach helped create the mural.
Carnegie Foundation Logo

The Carnegie Foundation has recognized the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for excellence in community engagement, citing its wide-ranging outreach efforts across the state. The Carnegie organization designates universities for such achievement only after they provide an extensive review and documentation of their civic engagement activities. Receiving the designation will spur the university to hone its strategic vision for community engagement and build on its current efforts.

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“The University of Nebraska-Lincoln works each day to engage with Nebraskans—from our largest cities, our smallest towns, and the farms and ranches in between. We do this to fulfill our land-grant mission, but our mission of engagement goes beyond extending the knowledge of the university to the residents of the state. We engage with Nebraskans to create and exchange knowledge in a way that supports the education of our students, strengthens the impact of our research, and promotes the success of Nebraska and Nebraskans. UNL has an amazing foundation of engagement, and in Nebraska Extension, we have a powerful engine to drive our efforts even further. This work embodies the spirit of Nebraskans. We are tight-knit and highly connected. We are creative and tenacious. We have a culture of neighbors helping neighbors. Together, we are poised to co-create a university system that fulfills the land-grant mission in a way that is truly unique to who—and where—we are.” 

Mike Boehm, Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Picture of Vice Chancellor Mike Boehm

Engagement Stories

Latest News

In the fourth of a six video series, University Of Nebraska-Lincoln deans discuss progress on the N2025 strategic plan. The conversation explores Aim 4: Broadening Nebraska's Engagement.
The College of Law shows how it's fulfilling N2025 Aim 4: Broadening Nebraska's Engagement. The college's Tenant Assistance Project has helped more than 1000 families.
The College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources shows how it's fulfilling N2025 Aim 4: Broadening Nebraska's Engagement. The Early College and Career STEM program is teaching about food, energy, water and societal systems to 900 Lincoln Northeast High School students.