“The University of Nebraska-Lincoln works each day to engage with Nebraskans—from our largest cities, our smallest towns, and the farms and ranches in between. We do this to fulfill our land-grant mission, but our mission of engagement goes beyond extending the knowledge of the university to the residents of the state. We engage with Nebraskans to create and exchange knowledge in a way that supports the education of our students, strengthens the impact of our research, and promotes the success of Nebraska and Nebraskans. UNL has an amazing foundation of engagement, and in Nebraska Extension, we have a powerful engine to drive our efforts even further. This work embodies the spirit of Nebraskans. We are tight-knit and highly connected. We are creative and tenacious. We have a culture of neighbors helping neighbors. Together, we are poised to co-create a university system that fulfills the land-grant mission in a way that is truly unique to who—and where—we are.”
— Mike Boehm, Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Engagement Continuum
Engagement exists on a continuum, and we are building supports to help more of our community engagement projects to be in communities and with community members. Co-creation and shared leadership and learning are what we are striving to accomplish more often.
Projects informing the community by providing balanced and objective information to assist them in understanding the problem, alternatives, and solutions.
Projects involving the community throughout the process to ensure their concerns and aspirations are consistently understood.
Projects partnering with community stakeholders in each aspect of the decision-making from development to solution.
Project with shared leadership of community-led projects with final decision-making at the community level.
Language adapted from the IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum
Progress to Date
- Co-Creator Group worked campus-wide to submit the Carnegie Engagement Designation Application; UNL was awarded the designation January 2024 (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectation 1)
- Engagement Collaborative representing all colleges as well as other statewide units is serving as the liaison with faculty and engagement work (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectation 7)
- UNL Engagement and Outreach Map highlights statewide engagement in teaching, research, and extension (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectations 6 and 7)
- UNL Community Engagement Seed Funding has been awarded to the Nebraska College of Law, the Center for Children Families and the Law, and the College of Education and Human Sciences. More funds will be awarded every quarter (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectation 8)
- Showcasing our Successes: engage.unl.edu launched spring 2024 (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectations 6 and 7)
- UNL is now a member of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectation 7)
- Community-UNL Opportunity Virtual Open Houses happen twice a year for community members to connect to faculty who are looking for partners for student service learning and research projects (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectations 5, 6, and 7)
- Community-Engaged Faculty and Staff Lunches happen monthly on City and East campuses to build faculty and staff networks (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectation 7)
Next Steps
- Developing metrics for reporting and evaluation of engagement work and awards for those doing exceptional community engagement work. (N|2025 Aim 4; Expectation 7)