Engagement Collaborative

The Engagement Collaborative was formed in the fall of 2022 and brings together representatives from various units across UNL to serve as thought partners, provide communication with units, and be a data collection source for the N|2025 Aim to broaden Nebraska’s engagement in community, industry, and global partnerships.

  1. Avatar for Mike Boehm
    Vice Chancellor
  2. Avatar for Kathleen Lodl
    Chair, Nebraska Extension
  3. Avatar for Cory Armstrong
    College of Journalism and Mass Communications Representative
  4. Avatar for Jentry Barrett
    UNL Campus Engagement Zone Coordinator; Nebraska Extension
  5. Avatar for Jocelyn Bosley
    Office of Research and Economic Development Representative
  6. Avatar for Andrew Brown
    Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement
  7. Avatar for Amber Ediger
    Nebraska College of Law Representative
  8. Avatar for Sheri Irwin-Gish
    College of Business Representative
  9. Avatar for Meg Kester
    College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Representative
  10. Avatar for Michael Merten
    College of Education and Human Sciences Representative
  11. Avatar for Kerry McCullough-Vondrak
    College of Architecture Representative
  12. Avatar for Felix Olschofka
    Hixon-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts Representative
  13. Avatar for Terri Pieper
    College of Arts and Sciences Representative
  14. Avatar for Susan Weller
    University of Nebraska State Museum Representative
  15. Avatar for Kim Wilson
    College of Engineering Representative
  16. Avatar for Shelley Zaborowski
    Nebraska Alumni Association Representative